
8 Community Manager tips to recruit Instagram followers

300 million daily users,  400 million active users per month, 90% of the biggest brands, 3.5 billion daily clicks , 80 million photos shared per day… Here are the performances of Instagram! The goal is not to make you dizzy, but to make you aware of the importance of this social network in your strategy. Faced with the mass of publications shared daily on the platform, how to stand out to grow your community day by day? Here are 8 concrete actions to implement to develop your audience 1) Collaborate with influencers The brands mostly  followed on Instagram are very often those who have understood the importance of setting up influence operations with Instagram recognized in their sector. They are called nano-influencers, micro-influencers or Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) and bring a new form of authenticity and more notoriety to a potential client audience is chosen beforehand. 2) Collaborate with other brands Collaborating with other brands through partnerships, sponsorshi